Diversity and inclusion in the workplace
We are the sum of cultures and talents
Iberdrola group has several policies in place worldwide that prevent discrimination and ensure respect by our workers for diversity, whether ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation or beliefs, as an element that enriches our lives. The company promotes effective equality between men and women in access to employment, training, promotion, remuneration and working conditions. In addition, it supports workers with different abilities and promotes their labour market integration.
Driven by equal opportunities.
How do we promote diversity and workplace inclusion?
The main differentiating factor of successful companies in the 21st century is talent. Today more than ever, people make companies. It is therefore vital for all companies to deal with diversity and workplace inclusion, an aspect that affects commitment and satisfaction and increases talent and leadership qualities. A diverse company attracts and retains the best talent possible, as well as innovating more, which makes it more productive and open to society.
Ignacio Galán, Iberdrola group chairman
We are aware of our potential to actively influence our environment and contribute to bringing about real change to create a more pluralistic, inclusive and equal society at all levels
Iberdrola is present in more than 30 countries, has more than 40,000 direct employees and is responsible for some 400,000 indirect or induced jobs. Operating on a global scale entails a high level of responsibility in everything we do, strengthening our commitment to creating diverse environments where everyone feels free to express different points of view, knowledge and experience, regardless of origin, values or culture.
Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is an integral part of our Sustainability and Governance System, the internal regulations that underpin our corporate purpose and values and the achievement of our business goals and objectives. When it comes to diversity and inclusion, our long-term objective is to reinforce an inclusive culture, and the road to achieving this is through specific initiatives in areas such as gender, generations, culture and diversity, recognising the value of including other groups, such as a LGBTQIA2S+ community and veterans, in the work environment.
A diverse, multicultural workforce
Iberdrola maintains a firm commitment to its human capital as its major asset and the key to its success, and is backing a social model that is firmly committed to professional excellence and quality of life. Our aim is to create a work environment in which everyone feels represented.
To do this, we have procedures to prevent any discrimination for reasons of race, colour, gender, language, religion, political opinions, national or social origins, social status, belonging to an indigenous people, disability, health, civil status, pregnancy, sexual orientation or any other personal situation unrelated to the requirements for doing the job.
As a result of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Iberdrola now has a diverse, multicultural workforce that truly reflects the society in which we live. This policy, which applies to all the countries in which the group operates, is structured around four major themes:
Quality employment and communication of the individual employee value proposition (iEVP), which includes competitive remuneration, a work environment based on equal opportunities, the business project and work/life balance.
Respect for diversity: age, gender, ethnicity, culture, disability, ways of thinking and ranges of experience.
Equal opportunities in access to employment, promotion and professional development, remuneration, training and performance evaluation.
Promotion of gender equality: commitment to society, internal and external awareness, positive measures to correct inequalities, representation on decision-making bodies and levels, work/life balance, etc.
The company has also defined a Diversity Policy for the composition of the Board of Directors and the selection of its members, which ensures diversity of skills, knowledge, experience, backgrounds, nationalities, ages and genders on its Board.
Best practices in diversity and workplace inclusion
Iberdrola's commitment to diversity and inclusion was crystallised in our first Diversity and Inclusion Report [PDF] (spanish version) External link, opens in new window., which brought together the initiatives implemented to create a plural, fair and egalitarian environment, both inside the company and in relations with all our Stakeholders.
Regarding our employees, the group has a variety of initiatives to promote the various aspects of diversity and inclusion: gender diversity, generational diversity, functional diversity and cultural diversity in the workplace. The following are a few examples of our best practices:
- Iberdrola Spain was the first IBEX 35 company to institute an unbroken working day in 2007, making it a benchmark for work/life balance and shared responsibility. In recent collective agreements, this measure has even been improved by extending the flexibility of entry and exit, as well as implementing a more flexible timetable in those positions for which, due to their characteristics, it is most appropriate.
- After the birth of a child, the company cuts the working day to five hours until the child is one year old, without cutting the fixed salary.
- Leaves of absence are given for up to four years to care for family members.
- The company collaborates with the Diversity Charter — to which it has been a signatory since 2009 — and in 2020 it was part of the working group of the Diversity@Work project within the framework of the European Commission's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.
- Faced with the significant challenge experienced by parents during the pandemic, various options have been offered to employees, such as online programmes aimed at promoting scientific vocation in children, adapting the Iberdrola Parents' School to an online format, and holding specific conferences and workshops.
- RETO Awards ceremony (Recovery, Clean Energy, Energy Transition and SDGs) to reward suppliers' commitment to the energy transition, innovation, entrepreneurship, employability, talent, equality, contribution to SDGs and involvement in combatting COVID-19.
- Campaigns to refer people with disabilities to internal vacancies.
- I CAN (YO PUEDO) initiative in collaboration with the #EmpleoParaTodos programme of Fundación Adecco, which prepares people with intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses to access and maintain a job.
*Updated based on the Sustainability Report, Fiscal Year 2020.
United Kingdom
- Our subsidiary ScottishPower promotes work-life balance with measures such as adoption leave, childcare breaks, dependency leave, maternity and paternity leave, shared parental leave, etc. It also has an initiative to provide maternity/maternity coaching for employees.
- It has also designed a programme named Breaking Barriers External link, opens in new window., in collaboration with Enable Scotland and the Strathclyde Business School, which offers recognised qualifications and work experience to young people with learning difficulties.
- The company sponsors the National Diversity Conference of Scotland, where representatives of the worlds of business, education and the third sector come together each year to share ideas and experiences relating to diversity and to encourage organisations to create a more inclusive and diverse environment.
- ScottishPower collaborates with prestigious organisations such as the Business Disability Forum, Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion, Equate, Working Families, ENABLE, POWERful Women, Stonewall and Careers UK.
- Our UK subsidiary has five main employee networks External link, opens in new window.: SP Connected Women, In-Fuse LGBT+, Future Connections and SP Careers. It has also launched the first multiethnic network: VIBE.
- In 2020, there was mandatory unconscious bias training for 334 leaders with responsibility for recruitment processes and HR teams. In addition, inclusive recruitment courses were started for a group of 130 managers.
United States
- Our subsidiary AVANGRID* also has programmes to support working families, such as paid parental leave, resources for elderly and child care, and support for fertility treatment, adoption and surrogacy.
- It has expanded its Business Resource (affinity) Groups, with a total of five different groups: WomENergy, AVAN-Veterans — which seeks to strengthen relationships for veterans across the company — the AVANGRID African American Council of Excellence, Pride @ AVANGRID and ¡Hola! The Business Resource Groups aim to attract top-level candidates to the company, provide networking opportunities and generate visibility within the AVANGRID community to foster a sense of inclusion and belonging.
- The company is a member of EEI (Edison Electric Institute) Diversity & Inclusion Commitment. The companies that belong to this institution have agreed to draw up a three-year diversity and inclusion plan that includes initiatives and metrics to improve the general results in this area.
- New programmes have been launched to support working families, including paid parental leave for parents, resources for elderly and child care, and fertility, adoption and surrogacy benefits.
- In 2020, we have increased the representation of women and people of colour in early career stages and have achieved 29.1 % of senior positions being held by women.
- Neoenergia**, our subsidiary in Brasil, organises a Women Electricians' School, in order to increase the number of women in the labour market in the electricity sector and promote gender equality through their empowerment. The aim is to give them special training through apprenticeship programmes with theoretical and practical classes lasting up to seven months and with a teaching load of 596 hours. In 2020, the programme was recognised by WeEmpower — United Nations gender equality programme — as good company practice for the empowerment of women through educational and professional development.
- In the context of the insertion of professionals with disabilities in the labour market, Neoenergia continues with the Novo Olhar programme, which promotes a mentoring system for young people with Down Syndrome.
- Specific employee groups have also been created with a focus on gender, race, people with disabilities and LGTBIQ+ groups with the aim of presenting projects and helping to build good practices.
- Iberdrola Mexico's work-life balance measures include longer holidays than those established by Mexican law, the possibility of reducing or making the working day more flexible, maternity leave before and after childbirth once the legal leave has ended, and the right to leave of absence with job reservation for female employees.
- Our Mexican subsidiary has developed a programme named Impulso STEM External link, opens in new window., with the Universidad Tecnológica de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca (UTVCO), the Instituto de Energías Renovables of UNAM and STEM for kids. The aim is to promote the study of engineering among young people in Oaxaca, especially young women, so as bridge the wage gap that still exists in Mexico and attract more diverse talent to the company.
- It also takes part in the forum Mexicanas 4.0, focused on opening up opportunities for women in technology, science and engineering, and it has once again launched the Women's Forum, an initiative that addresses issues related to diversity and, especially, the representation of women in leadership positions.